It is my honour and privilege as the Manager of Grace Valley Educational
Institutions to convey my humble message and congratulate students parents and
all stake holders.
Athippatta Moideenkutty Musliar is the founder Chairman and great visionary
behind Grace Valley Educational Institutions who paved the way before us for
strengthening the society with education.
After Covid 19 pandemic we exposed to a different way of learning exploiting the
world of technology that is ‘the other side of the Virus a blessing in disguise that
should be the positive attitude we spread in the society.
We, at Grace Valley, strive to provide a strong platform where a child is
holistically educated encompassing Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional and
Spiritual growth.
We value the true meaning of life, love life and live satisfying individual’s mind
helping all those connected with the individual with the blessing of Almighty as
the guide.
Dear all I wish you the blessing of a positive attitude and this is what we also try
to build in our students which will equip them to face the world confidently and
to live as a great citizen.
Faizal Wafy
Grace Valley Educational Institutions.