Moideen Kutty Musliyar, Athipatta
Athippatta Muhiyudheen Kutty Musliar is the founder of Grace Valley Public School together with other three educational institutions in the elegant land of Wadi Rahma. He was a great man of noble visions who became catalytic impulse for the establishment and development of Grace Valley Public School.

Sayyid Pookoya Thangal b’a Alavi
As a new Chairman, I am overwhelmed with passion to pass a short message to my prestigious institution GRACE VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL. With deep sincere homage to my predecessor Sheikhuna Athipetta Moideenkutty musliar who was founder chairman of the institution has taught us that educating the mind without educating the heart is useless.

S.Hameed Haji
It is my humble privilege on behalf of Grace Valley Public School to welcome wholeheartedly my parents and children to this magnificent citadel of knowledge and education of your beloved children “Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” is our primary motto. The expression “fear of the God” is a fixed expression which may or may not literally mean actual sense of danger, depending on the person’s relationship to their god.

I consider it as an honor and a privilege to be the principal of Grace Valley Public School, a school with a difference. Education as its purpose and goal as to make students life-long learners, critical thinkers, creative learners, problem solvers etc.At GVPS we strive to strengthen students’ academic skills, moral senses, fill them with a thirst for knowledge with integrity and respect and strive for all round development
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We have a group of professionally talented and gifted teachers to provide unique educational experience to each child . Our school is housed in a superb building, offering a moral.